

How to Make More Time for What You Love


Last week, I emailed all my clients about the two-week tour I’d be on with The OK Factor and our Swedish friends Jaerv at the start of October. I did this specifically so I could focus on making music and helping manage tour logistics, but also know my clients have been taken care of, too.

I’m actually super proud of the fact that I set up my calendar for no meetings from 10/1-10/17, knowing I’ll return from tour on a Sunday and will need an extra day to recoup emotionally and physically. 

It was a strategic act of making time for what I love. 

And not that I don’t love my clients or The Inspired Foundry – because I absolutely do. However, music is the other half of my creative life. 

…And co-managing and performing on a tour with 7 people, a thousand instruments, merchandise, and outreach activities in the communities we’re visiting requires a special kind of focus. 

I could have easily tried to work through tour, but instead I did three things to help me be prepared for this kind of break from client work – quite honestly, the longest intentional break I’ve taken in over a year: 

  1. Cleared my calendar. I take client appointments through Calendly and I simply blocked this time off so my availability would be clear.
  2. Communicated availability. I verbally communicated to any new clients that our start dates would likely have to be after October 17 and the reason why.
  3. Reminded clients of the break. I sent a final email out to current clients last Friday reiterating my tour dates and when projects would resume, letting them know that they’re welcome to get in touch during that time if they need anything.

Why am I telling you all this? 

Because when I was just getting started with client work, content creating, and managing a creative business, I could never imagine doing those three things. Or if I did, I would feel immense guilt around stepping away. Maybe that’s where you are right now, or you’re having trouble even stepping away for something as simple as more rest or free time.

So, yes, this is basically an inspired idea about setting boundaries in your business, but also about being strategic with those boundaries. They can set you up for success and help you maintain what works for you.

And that’s where the strategy piece comes in, right? What works for you might not work for someone else. And that is a-okay. 

Add your comments and tell me where you might need to be more strategic in your business, especially when it comes to doing more of what you love! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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