

Fall Bucket List for Boosting Your Creativity


This blog post is a sneak preview of the kind of content you’ll find inside The Inspired Think Tank, a membership community for creative entrepreneurs that’s all about inspiring each other with thoughts, dreams, and ideas of creating impact for our audiences. The Think Tank launches in early 2021 — hop on the email list to be the first to hear about Think Tank updates!

 I like to think that I loved fall before it was “cool” to love fall — at least, I loved fall before the pumpkin spice craze hit, which is when fall became a total corporate Frankenstein, in my humble opinion

When I was little, my mom used to bake pumpkin bread every week in October. We’d pick out pumpkins as early as possible at the local fire station, and we had a reading list a mile long of Halloween and Autumn-themed children’s books to read together before bed. It’s been my favorite time of year for as long as I can remember.

Regardless of the corporate world’s ability to market the crap out of fall every year, this season is still sacred for me. I tend to feel the most creative during the fall months with the cooler weather providing clarity to my headspace and shorter days bringing more productivity during the light hours.

This year has felt different with everything going on, though. I’m tired more easily and my mental capacity doesn’t seem to hold as much as in the past. You, too?


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Here’s a little fall bucket list to help kick your creativity into gear this month. I’ve curated a shortlist of fall activities that you can totally do socially distanced from everyone else, either by yourself for a much needed autumnal reprieve, or with a friend/partner/dog — some of them don’t even require leaving your home (winning).

Drop your email below to download the lovely little PDF I made to accompany this list, and share your bucket list achievements with @theinspiredfoundry on Instagram!

1. Nature Walk w/ Tunes

Grab a cozy fall playlist (follow The Inspired Foundry on Spotify for one!) and take a walk.

2. Picnic off the beaten path

Visit your favorite grocery store, pick out some trappings for a lovely picnic, find some new nature you haven’t visited before and have a meal under the changing leaves.

3.Host a (Netflix) Bonfire

Invite your quarantine buddies over for an outdoor fire (or cozy up to Fireplace on Netflix if you don’t have outdoor space) for an evening of conversation + connecting.

4. Take a Road Trip

Pack a lunch and get out of town for an hour or two to somewhere you have yet to explore.

5. Go Leaf Picking

Apple picking is overrated. Go out and look for the most colorful leaves instead!

6. Make a cozy in/outdoor space

If you have an outdoor space, take a little time to furnish it with pillows, candles, all manner of cozy things. No outdoor space? Pick a corner of your home and designate it as your new cozy spot.

7. Curate a reading list

We both know there are a few books you’ve been meaning to read this year. Put them on a list and order them. Bonus points for ordering from a local or Black-owned bookshop.

8. Form a new habit

Sometimes a good old-fashioned routine shakeup is just what you need to spark some creativity. Designate 4pm as happy hour with music and tasty snacks, switch from soda to sparkly water, set a non-negotiable time for snuggling. Whatever your habit is, make it fun and something to look forward to.

9. Celebrate Oktoberfest

Technically Octoberfest happens in September, but the whole month of October should be a ‘fest’ if you ask me. Grab some new beers/kombucha/beverage of choice to try, make an evening of it.

10. Crack open a new journal

Nothing says creativity like a blank page, but nothing truly says creativity like the blank page of a brand new notebook. That new paper smell will get those creative juices flowing.

Drop your email below to grab the accompanying PDF to stick on your fridge!

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