This blog post is a sneak preview of the kind of content you’ll find inside The Inspired Think Tank, a membership community for creative entrepreneurs that’s all about inspiring each other with the thoughts, dreams, and ideas we have for creating impact in the lives of our audiences. The Think Tank launches in early 2021 — hop on the email list to be the first to hear about Think Tank updates!
Nelson Mandela
That cozy fall energy is slowly working its way into my system, reminding me of the joy I find in hunkering down, making soup, and asking myself what I want out of the rest of the year. Specifically in that order.
While on the topics of rest and reflection during October, I’m getting curious about how hope plays a role in my rest and my reflection, and more importantly, how hope affects my creativity. Maybe it’s an important thing for you to consider as well, especially given the year we’re all experiencing.
Honestly, it seems like it’s much easier to make choices based on fear and then wonder why I feel hopeless and lacking in creativity — it takes practice and patience to work the system the other way around.

I’m finding that rest and reflection are the things that fuel hope for me, or at least provide a more stable ground for hope to live on. That’s why I’m bringing you five journal prompts for reflecting on hope during October.
Drop your email below to have a handy little journaling page with these prompts sent to you if you’d like!
In case you’re at all curious, I journal inside a Leuchtturm1917 soft-cover A5 dotted notebook — they’re like the German version of Moleskin but way better, in my opinion. But you don’t need a fancy notebook to journal in. You don’t even have to write them down if you don’t want to. Ponder these questions over a cup of tea while watching the snowfall, because that’s a thing that is happening in Minnesota right now.
What has given you hope in your own life lately?
When you look at the last little bit of this year, what are you hopeful for?
Are you making choices based on your hopes or your fears?
How do you see that distinction playing out in your life?
If you feel like you’re making more choices based on your fears, how can you course correct towards hope?
Where do you see hope showing up in the world right now? How can you be more of a part of that?
November is sneaking up on us — I’ll be focusing the Foundry’s energy on the inspired ideas of gratitude and listening. Hop on my email list to get these short musings directly in your inbox. And make sure you vote, my American friends!