

The On-Brand Strategy


The most magical part of a brand, in my humble opinion, is cohesion.

When sparks fly and you fall in love with a brand because of how precisely they make you feel… And the feeling continues the deeper you go into their brand, from their social media to their website, their unboxing experience, the packaging, their in-store vibe…

Yeah. That’s some brand magic right there.

If you think about your favorite brands, there’s likely some part of their experience you are drawn to. And our question as we brand our own creative work is this:

How do we create an experience like that in our own businesses?

Being “on-brand” will mean something different for everyone. Your brand experience might feel soft and comforting, or have calming colors or simple typography, whereas someone else’s brand might be bold, brash, unapologetic. They might be aiming to start a movement while you’re encouraging people to be okay with they’re at.

Neither approach is wrong, nor do we need to focus on comparisons. It’s simply a matter of what kind of experience feels the best to you and your people and what serves your ultimate brand purpose.

The On-Brand Strategy is also about more than just your visuals. Though design is the first and most obvious piece of your brand someone experiences right away, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The visuals are designed to support your brand purpose, not the other way around. This is why it’s so much more important to focus on who you are in your business than what colors or fonts to choose, especially at the start or during a pivot.

I firmly believe brands who succeed are the ones who stay “on-brand” in every aspect of their business, from their backend systems to the customer-facing touch points. Not only does the whole experience end up creating connection and driving profit, but it also feels so much better to operate within.

And the best part is that as a creative entrepreneur, when you’re being on-brand you’re just being yourself.

Let’s be unafraid to bring more of ourselves into our creative businesses and craft a truly on-brand experience from start to finish.

For reflection:

Where in your business are you lacking cohesion? What part of your client or customer experience doesn’t feel as magical as you want it to?

How do you embody your brand in your everyday personal life? Is there a disconnect? Explore what it could look like to bring more of your own personal stories, experiences, and vibe into your brand.

Want advice from a brand strategist and designer on where to start? Grab a totally free 45-minute strategy session with me and we’ll map out your next steps for an on-brand business.

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